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This agreement contains the entire understanding between Just Maui Weddings™ (JMW) Doing Business As Just Maui Weddings™ (JMW) and you, CLIENT. It supersedes all prior and simultaneous agreements between the parties. The only way to add or change this agreement is to do so in writing, signed by all the parties. These terms (“Terms”) cover the use of those JUST MAUI WEDDINGS™. (JMW) services (the “Services”). You accept these Terms through your establishing of the Services, or by sending us a payment for the Services after being notified of a change to these Terms.

Service Policy

The CLIENT will pay a fee to JMW for the Services, this fee shall be payable in two payments, the first is 50% of total cost and services are rendered immediately after your first contact with Just Maui Weddings™ Upon booking, a deposit of 50% is required except the Last Minute Package and Hibiscus Package which is due in full at time of reservation. This 50% will ensure that you receive the desired wedding date and the desired services can also be booked/held for you. This deposit is mandatory with no exceptions. We are NOT in control of any unforeseen circumstances or restrictions imposed by our state officials that can affect your wedding day. Our service policy will still stand. Go to reservation page.

Wedding Duration and Permits

The wedding ceremony’s duration will be between 20-45 minutes, as confirmed by email from Just Maui Weddings™. The duration may be subsequently changed with Just Maui Wedding’s written approval. You understand that any applicable beach use permit that we obtain for your wedding is issued for a specific 2-hour time-frame, which cannot be exceeded under State law. Therefore, Just Maui Weddings™ is not obligated to perform any services for you outside the time frame indicated on such beach use permit. Go to reservation page.

Wedding Cancellations

You may cancel your wedding only by written notice (“Cancellation Notice”) ( NO verbal or text message will be accepted ) sent to email us. The deposit is refundable less a $700 retainer fee for work already performed ONLY if client cancels at least 3 months prior to their reserved wedding date. If wedding is canceled with less than three months notice, the deposit will not be refunded but can be held as a credit toward a future wedding date to be determined based on availability ( excluding the LAST MINUTE PACKAGE as this require full payment with no refund ). If you reserved your date with us starting March 01/2020 when the COVID-19 started the client herewith is /was aware and takes all the risks of the booking of their wedding. Just Maui Weddings™ will make a reasonable effort to avoid canceling a wedding due to inclement weather, acts of God, a pandemic or any other reason outside its control; but if its effort fails, Just Maui Weddings™ will not bear any liability for its resulting cancellation of the wedding; and you will not be entitled to a refund. Instead, you will be entitled rescheduling your wedding for a date that is mutually agreeable to you and Just Maui Weddings™ and that is within 12 months of the originally reserved date. No-shows on the date of the reserved wedding date are treated under the same terms as cancellations. JMW will grant no refunds for weddings cancelled on or before Holidays, Valentines Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Sunrise weddings incl. any vanity dates such as January 2, 20, 25, 27 and 28, February 9 and 24, March 1, 2, 15 and 30, April 2, 20 and 24, May 3, 9 and 31, June 1, 14, 19 and 30, July 1, 11, 21 and 28, August 1, 2 and 21, September 1, 19 and 27, October 2,12 and 26, November 1, 2, 14, 16 and 27 and December 1, 9 and 17. Due to CC fees for both processing payments and refunds, accounting will take out an added 5% surcharge + the standard 10% cancellation fee. Go to reservation page.

Rescheduling Weddings

You may request rescheduling the date or time of your wedding only by written notice (the “Rescheduling Notice”) sent to email us. Just Maui Weddings™ intends to accommodate any Rescheduling Notice, but rescheduling a wedding for your desired date may not always be possible based on Just Maui Weddings™ bookings calendar. Therefore, Just Maui Weddings™ reserves the right to accept or reject a Rescheduling Notice in its sole discretion.

If you send a Rescheduling Notice fewer than 7 calendar days the event will be deemed as a cancellation and our cancellation policy will take effect as outlined above. If you send a Rescheduling Notice within 60 calendar days before your reserved wedding date, and it is accepted, you shall pay Just Maui Weddings™ a rescheduling fee of 20% no later than 45 days before your originally reserved wedding date (the “Rescheduling Fee”); all of your other payment obligations and deadlines will be unaffected by the rescheduled wedding date. If you send a Rescheduling Notice 60 or more calendar days before your reserved wedding date, and it is accepted, you will not have to pay a Rescheduling Fee only for the first such request; all subsequent requests are subject to the Rescheduling Fee. Just Maui Weddings™ is entitled to charge the Rescheduling Fee to any credit or debit card you have at any time provided to Just Maui Weddings™.

"If the client fails to reschedule their reservation within one (1) year of the original reservation date, the client forfeits all rights to the reservation and any associated fees. The company reserves the right to rebook or offer the reservation to other clients at its sole discretion." Go to reservation page

Wedding Credit

Other than Deposits and Rescheduling Fees, any payments you make toward the Package Price of a wedding that you cancel or reschedule, will be credited toward a new booking by you for a wedding to occur at a date that is mutually agreeable to you and Just Maui Weddings™ and that is within 12 months of the originally reserved date. Go to reservation page.

Refund Policy

Planner hereby reserves and retains the right to cancel any and all of the above Services with or without cause by providing written notice to Client. In the event Planner elects to terminate this Agreement, half of the Deposit will be refunded to Client within thirty (30) days of notice of termination. Unless otherwise provided by law all purchases are final and non-refundable. If you believe that JMW has charged you in error, you must contact us within 60 days of such charge. No refunds will be given for any charges more than 60 days old. We reserve the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we issue a refund or credit, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future. This refund policy does not affect any statutory rights that may apply. Go to reservation page.

Your Planner

If Planner is unable to attend events, or complete the contract due to illness, tragedy, “Acts of God” or “Force Majeure”, Planner will make commercially reasonable efforts to provide a replacement with capabilities and experience to finish the tasks. Depending on the services you choose for the day of your event, either an on-site or our company photographer/minister will be there guiding you through your ceremony and or your reception every step of the way. (Hibiscus Package excluded) Go to reservation page.

Outside Vendors

In some cases you may be able to arrange outside vendors for your event, in other cases you may not, depending on the package that you have chosen. For example, if you are contracting our services for Day-Of Coordination only, you may contract your own vendors if you have appropriate insurance for them. If you do arrange any outside vendors, they must be cleared through JMW first and provide proof of insurance with Just Maui Weddings™. listed as an additional insured.

Limitation of Liability

If you have any basis for recovering damages (including breach of these Terms), you agree that your exclusive remedy is to recover, from JMW or any affiliates, , Third-Parties and Services providers, and vendors, direct damages up to an amount equal to your Services. You can't recover any other damages or losses, including direct, consequential, lost monies, special, indirect, incidental, or punitive. These limitations and exclusions apply even if this remedy doesn't fully compensate you for any losses or fails of its essential purpose or if we knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. To the maximum extent permitted by law, these limitations and exclusions apply to anything or any claims related to these Terms, the Services, or the Services. Go to reservation page.

Act of God Clause

In recognition of the unpredictable nature of events beyond human control, the client agrees and understands that in the event of an Act of God or any other unforeseen circumstance outside of reasonable control (including but not limited to natural disasters, severe weather conditions, pandemics, acts of terrorism, or governmental restrictions) that prevents the fulfillment of photography or video services as agreed upon, delivery of the contracted services may be impossible or impractical.

Under such circumstances, the client acknowledges that there will be no liability on the part of JMW to provide a refund, credit, or any form of dispute resolution for services not delivered or partially delivered. The client accepts that these extraordinary events are beyond the control of JMW and agrees to hold JMW harmless for any failure to perform under the terms of the service agreement due to such events.

This clause is in place to acknowledge the mutual understanding of the risks involved and the agreement that certain situations fall outside the realm of reasonable control, ensuring fair and equitable treatment for both parties involved. Go to reservation page.

Disputes and Interpretation

By booking your wedding or by using our website, you agree that the laws of the State of Hawaii, without regard to principles of conflict of laws of any state or jurisdiction, will govern these Terms and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and JMW or any of our affiliates. With respect to any disputes or claims not subject to arbitration, you agree not to commence or prosecute any action in connection therewith other than in the state and federal courts of Hawaii, and you hereby consent to, and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non convenience with respect to, venue and jurisdiction in the state and federal courts of Hawaii.


I / WE, (wedding couple), have read and understand and fully agree with this contract. I / WE fully understand what is and is not included in this wedding contract and that this Agreement supersedes all other agreements, written or oral, between the parties as to the subject matter hereof. I / WE also understand that the full amount, including taxes, is due 45 days prior to our wedding date. You further attest that I/we (event coordinator, group organizer, wedding couple), have read and understand the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and fully agree with this contract and proposal for event services. I/we fully understand what is and is not included in this contract. By submission of this form, we agree to the terms and conditions above. - Mahalo! Go to reservation page.

Model Release

The CLIENT hereby grants to JMW and its legal representatives and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs of the CLIENT or in which the CLIENT may be included, for editorial, trade, advertising and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. The CLIENT hereby releases JMW and its legal representatives and assigns from all claims and liability relating to said photographs. Go to reservation page.

I/We understand and agree to that:


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